It would take a while till I start writing daily and regularly. You know, sometimes it feels worthless to write when you know no one is ever...

It would take a while till I start writing daily and regularly. You know, sometimes it feels worthless to write when you know no one is ever...
Following is the solution of one of the most intriguing of the puzzles I've ever come across, the Survival Instinct puzzle, which I dis...
I consider 'survival instinct' as one of the most interesting puzzles I've ever come across. Interesting in the sense that unlik...
What would you do if you're facing mortal peril? "Let us play a game". Consider a situation where the only chance of survival...
A police recruit was asked during the exam, "What would you do if you had to arrest your own mother?" "Call for backup."...
A mathematician and a physicist were asked the following question: Suppose you walked by a burning house and saw a hydrant and a hose not co...
The message below is written in code. Each letter of the alphabet is represented by a sign and a number. The words are separated by lines ...
Well, I'm back after exams! A few days back I came across a rather quirky problem which I later remembered to have heard during my child...
(c) Scott Adams, Inc. .................................... Click to enlarge the images Disclaimer: The strips are being published here just...
(c) Scott Adams. Click on the image to enlarge.
A photograph is all you've got. It shows two clocks. Two digital clocks. Here's how it shows: Clock 1 February 29, 2:07 pm Clock 2 ...
There are 5 pirates on a boat, conveniently named 1, 2,3,4,5. These 5 pirates have just dug up a long lost treasure of 100 gold pieces. The...
Q.1 Three masters of logic wanted to find out who was the wisest one. So they invited the grand master, who took them into a dark room and s...
Q.1 There are 10 coin making machines. 9 out of them make coins weighing 1 gm each. One (unknown) machine is faulty and makes coins 100 mg h...
You are driving down the road in your car on a wild, stormy night, when you pass by a bus stop and you see three people waiting for the bu...
At first I couldn’t believe it. How could this be true! Gmail launched a new service ‘Gmail Paper’ on 1/4/07. Gmail would deliver all your ...
Guess what would be the output of the following code in C: #include(stdio.h) main() { int a,b,c; int count = 1; for (b=c=10;a= "- LLLLL...
You have some strings whose only known property is that when you light one end of a string, it takes exactly one ...
You are the ruler of a medieval empire and you are about to have a celebration tomorrow. The celebration is the most important party you ha...
Q. How is Indira Gandhi responsible for India's loss in the world cup? Ans. It was she who created Bangladesh !
Remember the 12 – coin problem ? Here’s the solution to the problem (click) . The solution looks random as though a lot of trial and error ...
The second figure has been made just by rearranging parts of the first figure. But wait. We've got an extra block here ! From where does...
Game Theory is the next series of posts that I am going to make. Here's a game-theory problem which I believe is very common in this fie...
Once Laloo Prasad of Bihar, sent his bio data to America to apply for a post in Microsoft Corporation. A few days later he got this reply:-...
Happy pi day. 3.14 (March the fourteenth) May I have a large container of coffee today?
. Q.1 There are 10 coin making machines. 9 out of them make coins weighing 1 gm each. One (unknown) machine is faulty and makes coins 100...
A Chemist's Last Words 1) And now the tasting test ... 2) And now shake it a bit ... 3) In which glass was my mineral water? 4) Why does...
Are you interested in ciphers? If each letter is substituted by some other random letter, how would you know the correct letters with no oth...
Now how do these lines make sense to you? Now I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy chapters involving quantum mechanics. Can...
A patient who had undergone a major surgery was transferred to a ward in the municipal hospital. When he was taken there, he noticed there...
I was just thinking about cd's and magnetic tapes when a quirky problem came to my mind. How much physical space do we really need to s...
Here is one of the solutions of the above problem. The problem is that we have to encode some large amount of information on a stick of one ...
A company, feeling it was time for a shakeup, hires a new CEO. This new boss is determined to rid the company of all slackers. On a tour of ...
It could be a child's play for some of you, especially for those who have done a similar problem before. Anyways, if you get the solutio...
Three masters of logic wanted to find out who was the wisest one. So they invited the grand master, who took them into a dark room and said...
What do you think is more powerful? Your will-power or your imagination? What among the two is going to be more helpful in taking your life...
Man!! It's exam time. Midsem aa rahe hein! It's not a time to read or post jokes!! I haven't studied at all. Lekin phir bhi pata...
Jerry is recovering from day surgery when a nurse asks him how he is feeling. "I'm OK but I didn't like the four-letter-word th...
Now here is a proof of how smart women are! A woman finds a genie's lamp. The Genie comes out and says, "You may have three wishes,...
How would you divide a SQUARE into three equal RECTANGLES with only three straight lines, without lifting your pen and without overlapp...
To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs t...
I hope you like jokes. But there is an art hidden in PJ's (poor jokes) too ! You don't laugh at the joke - but you laugh on its bein...
Now it's leisure time again. Time to stand and stare. At least until I join the job. Oh yes, got one! only three months of college life ...
LEISURE What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs And star...
It's the first ever post and I still won't write much in it. Not that I don't have anything to share but I am quite a bit too bu...