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The message below is written in code. Each letter of the alphabet is represented by a sign and a number. The words are separated by lines like this: ___. It is not an uninteresting monosubstitution cipher or something like that, it's really interesting. (Otherwise it couldn't have found place here. I don't publish trivial puzzles). See if you can break the code and read the message.

(2 (1 (1 *2 ___ $2 (1 $1 ___ %1 ^2 #1 ___@2 *1 %2 ^3 @2
___(1 ^3 ___ ^1 (1 &1 $1 ___ #3 (1 &3 )1 &1 %1 #1 $1 ___
*2 #1 ^1 %3 (1 !2 $1 #2.

Do the signs look familiar?

I have some hints. If you want a hint, mail me. If you've got the solution, mail me instead of posting a comment. I will acknowledge your correct answer here.

hint: Look at the keys before you.

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